Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Moving Forward...

No folks... I haven't been slacking off, but rather busy with end of the year bookwork, holiday traveling and personal issues. In the past several weeks I have had the great opportunity to visit several Occupy 'encampments' and speak with  quite a few fellow citizens.  This has been a great experience for me, as I have a much better understanding of the ideals that We The People are collectively seeking to bring about in our society.

Tonight, I will be attending the General Assembly of OccupyWilmingtonNC .
The neat thing about this is that Wilmington is my hometown.  The town is rather unique, in that it is mainly a tourism and retirement industry town with a sprinkling of other companies in and around the Cape Fear Area.  After visiting 'home' over the past several years since the Wall Street meltdowns and the Big3 bailouts and the housing crisis's, I could easily see that people have become disenchanted and even disenfranchised with how their lives are being dominated by big industry and excessive government regulations.  But...all this is really a rehashing of what most readers already know and possibly even agree with. we wind up 2011 and look forward to the New Year, what is the direction of Occupy and where are We The People of the 99% heading?  Despite the media beating that our movement has taken on top of the unprecedented reaction from law enforcement, Occupy still maintains a healthy momentum and presence all across America. However... We must begin a true concerted effort to establish ourselves as a real entity focused on forwarding real and progressing change. The physical occupation of public spaces was and still is a very formidable action that has drawn the ire of elected officials, prompting multiple efforts to evict occupiers by law enforcement agencies. This is a clear sign that the powers of OUR government feel threatened by our actions and ideals. Now is the time to move on beyond mere protests and mic-checks and twitter bombs.

The direction of this movement by We The People must begin to make a reality that will be sufficiently recognized by both the 'mainstream' media and OUR government.  This isn't an easy task, as the 'powers that be' will do everything to discredit and tarnish our actions and voices through all sorts of methods. We The People must maintain solidarity of purpose and strength of togetherness to maintain what we have achieved and to progress towards a more viable existence.

In short...
The established political system in OUR nation is geared to keep our voices within set parameters that allow very little variance from 'accepted' norms. We The People must move forward and begin to set down our own parameters and truly establish Occupy as an entity, not just a vagueness of common ideals.  The power to do so is with the people, friends, family, co-workers and acquaintances of Occupy.  Reaching out beyond ourselves and moving beyond protest is the path that should lead us to accomplishment. In the coming weeks a new direction for Occupy will begin emerging as we head into 2012 and the national election season... We The People must prepare ourselves to make a true impact For The People and By The People.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays...